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The largest  European  Spare Parts marketplace in Sri Lanka!

Buy everything from used European Car Parts , Brand New Leyland parts, TATA Parts, Buddy Truck Parts and Cab Parts in Sri Lanka!

All Kind Of Car Parts

Body, Belt Drive, Braking System, Comfort Systems and other Car Spare parts.

Bus & Lorry Spare Parts

Body, Belt Drive, Braking System, Comfort Systems and other Bus & Lorry Spare parts.

Buddy Truck & Cabs Parts

Body, Belt Drive, Braking System, Comfort Systems and other Buddy Truck & Cabs Spare parts.

Air Conditioning

All kind of Air Conditioning parts

Belt Drive

All kind of belt drive parts


All kind of body parts

Braking System

All kind of braking system parts

Comfort Systems

All kind of comfort system parts

Clutch/Attachment Parts

All kind of Clutch | Attachment Parts

Cooling System

All Kind of Cooling System parts

Drive Shaft

All kind window Drive Shaft items


All kind of Electric item parts


All kind of Engine parts

Exhaust System

All kind of Exhaust System part


All kind of Filters parts

Fuel Supply System

All kind of Fuel supply system parts

Fuel Mixture Formation

All kind of fuel mixture formation

Interior Equipment

All kind of Interior Equipment part


All kind of heating ventilation part

Maintenance Service Parts

All kind of maintenance service parts


All kind of Suspension | Damping parts

Suspension & Steering

All kind of Suspension & Steering parts


All kind of Transmission

Spark/Glow Ignition

All kind Spark | Glow Ignition part

Window Cleaning

All kind window cleaning items

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